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Genealogy Researcher Database now uploaded

Posted by: Ballymoney Genealogy Posted Date: 01/09/2008

As promised now includes a database of suitably qualified and experienced researchers who can provide a bespoke research service for those requiring significant and detailed research to be carried out. The details of those listed can be viewed at

As explained below is neither commending or recommending these researchers; their details are being provided for information purposes only.

However it is expected that many users may be considering contracting the services of such researchers and the site would be interested to hear of your experiences and the successes achieved from using professional researchers to source information for you. Comments can be forwarded to

British War Dead Database

Posted by: Ballymoney Genealogy Posted Date: 11/08/2008

I'm an historian in Durban specialising in the Siege & Relief of Ladysmith KZN and during my 14 years of research I have built up a database(not on the website) of ALL known British dead, over 25,000 names, for the WHOLE war, not just Ladysmith. I have recently added a column for memorials as I believe that a man giving his life for his country deserves to be mentioned somewhere.

If you're looking for a lost relative that died in this war they are welcome to contact me with what information they have and I'll search my database, free of charge.

Brian Kaighin

Visit our website at

Ballymoney's World War 1 Veterans

Posted by: Ballymoney Genealogy Posted Date: 25/01/2008

This newspaper clipping probably dates from the 1960s, and is part of Ballymoney Museum Collection.

Can anyone help us identify these World War One Veterans?

If you can help, please contact:

Shirin Johnston
Museum Assistant
Ballymoney Museum
Town Hall,
1 Townhead Street,
BT53 6BE
Tel: 028 27 660 230

Ballymoney Museum gets all the credit

Posted by: Ballymoney Genealogy Posted Date: 03/10/2007

Ballymoney Museum has successfully completed the necessary requirements to qualify for the UK Museum, Libraries & Archives Council (MLA) Accreditation Scheme.  The museum had to demonstrate that it met high standards in the care of the collection, museum management, and the quality of the information and services it offered to its users.  With support from the Causeway Museum Service, the necessary information was compiled by museum staff in a series of detailed reports before final submission to the museum’s UK governing body in London.

6,000 annual visitors

The accreditation award comes at a time when the museum is going from strength to strength.  With the new venue, additional staff and a popular series of high profile events and exhibitions, the annual visitor figures are expected to reach 6,000 people a year.  May 2007 proved a record breaking month, with over 2,000 people through the doors for the North West 200 exhibition.

Museum’s 150th birthday

Council are also optimistically waiting for notification from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) concerning the major grant application to develop the exhibition gallery and public resource areas.  If this HLF application is successful, by late 2008 the Borough will have one of the finest heritage venues in the north of Ireland.  This will also be a tremendous boost to the museum’s birthday celebrations as it proudly draws closer to its 150th year (1860 – 2010), an anniversary that few other public museums can claim.